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REKTLocker Ransomware Data Recovery

Bogdan Glushko

Bogdan Glushko

CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


Bogdan Glushko

Bogdan Glushko

CEO at SalvageData Recovery, Bogdan Glushko has over 18 years of experience in high-security data recovery. Over the years, he's been able to help restore data after logical errors, physical failures, or even ransomware attacks, for individuals, businesses, and government agencies alike.


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There are many different types of ransomware out there, and REKTLocker is just one of them. This dangerous malware completely locks down your computer, making it impossible for you to access your files or even use your computer at all.


REKTLocker usually arrives on your computer via email attachments or malicious websites. Once it’s on your system, it will immediately start encrypting your files using a strong encryption algorithm. Once your files are encrypted, you’ll see a ransom note appear on your screen that demands you pay a ransom fee to get your files back.


REKTLocker first appeared in early 2019. It’s not entirely clear who is behind this ransomware, but it’s believed that they are a Russian-speaking group. This ransomware is fairly sophisticated and even uses a custom UI to make it seem more legitimate.

How do you know if you have this ransomware?

The easiest way to tell if you have it is to check your files. If they have been encrypted, you’ll see a new extension added to them. For example, a file that was once named “test.jpg” would now be named “test.jpg.REKT”.

In addition to the new file extension, REKTLocker will also drop a ransom note on your desktop.

Ransom demand

REKTLocker usually demands 1 Bitcoin, which is currently worth over $8,000. But the ransom may vary depending on how much REKTLocker Ransomware wants to extort from you.

In some cases, it will also threaten to delete your files if you don’t pay the ransom within a certain amount of time. This is just another way that REKTLocker tries to scare you into paying the ransom.


Paying the ransom is never a good idea, as there’s no guarantee that you’ll actually get your files back. Additionally, by paying the ransom, you’re just giving these criminals more money to continue their malicious activities.


Make sure that you have a good antivirus program installed on your computer and that it’s always up to date. Additionally, be very careful about the emails you open and the websites you visit. And, of course, always make sure to create regular backups of your important files so that you can easily recover them if they ever become encrypted.

What should you do if you do find yourself infected with REKTLocker?

First, don’t panic.


The best option is to use a REKTLocker Ransomware removal tool that can automatically detect and remove REKTLocker. This is the quickest and easiest way to get rid of this ransomware and it will also ensure that REKTLocker doesn’t come back. There are a few different REKTLocker Ransomware removal tools available, but we recommend using Malwarebytes Anti-Malware. This program can easily remove ransomware from your computer and it’s always up-to-date, so you can be sure that it will remove the latest version of REKTLocker.

Public decryption tool

At that moment, there is no REKTLocker Ransomware decryption tool available. This means that you won’t be able to use a REKTLocker Ransomware decryptor to get your files back for free.


However, sometimes REKTLocker Ransomware developers make mistakes and leave behind a flaw that allows security researchers to create a REKTLocker Ransomware decryptor. So it’s always worth checking to see if there’s a REKTLocker Ransomware decryption tool available before you attempt to remove REKTLocker manually or pay the ransom.


But you should always remember that even if you find a REKTLocker Ransomware decryptor, there’s no guarantee that it will actually work. REKTLocker Ransomware developers are constantly updating their ransomware to make it more difficult to remove and decrypt, so a REKTLocker Ransomware decryptor that works today might not work tomorrow.


You should download it only from a trusted source. REKTLocker Ransomware developers have been known to create fake REKTLocker Ransomware decryptors that actually infect your computer with ransomware.

If you have a backup

This means that you have a copy of your important files stored somewhere else, like on an external hard drive or in the cloud. If you have a backup, then you can just delete REKTLocker and restore your files from the backup. This is the best-case scenario, as it will remove ransomware from your computer and you won’t have to worry about paying the ransom or losing your files.


However, not everyone has a backup. And even if you do have a backup, there’s always a chance that REKTLocker might have encrypted your backup files as well. So it’s always a good idea to scan your backups with an antivirus program before you restore them, just to be safe.

Use a file recovery software

SalvageData data recovery software can be used to recover REKTLocker Ransomware encrypted files. This software can often find and recover encrypted files that have been deleted or lost.

Contact a data recovery service

If you can’t remove REKTLocker or decrypt encrypted files, then your last resort is to contact a data recovery service.

SalvageData Recovery Services specialize in REKTLocker Ransomware removal and REKTLocker Ransomware file recovery.

We have a success rate of recovering REKTLocker Ransomware encrypted files, so there’s a good chance that we’ll be able to help you, too.


We offer a free consultation, so feel free to contact us to see how we can help you.



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